HOME > Product > WIRELESS POS > IC5200
CPU ARM 32 bit Secure Processor 400MHz
OS Linux / RTOS
Application C/C++ Compiler, Support and supply Encoding standard Unicode, SDK, Sample Source Code, Application Source Code, Color Display, Image Fonts and etc
Flash Memory 64MB Flash
Working Memory 128MB SDRAM
WiFi 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n (option)
LCD 320x240 TFT Color Display
Contactless Card Reader 13.56MHz, Mifare, Type A&B, RFID, Felica Support
Battery 4.2V 2200mAh or optional 5200mAh Battery
RF Modem HSDPA / 3G with 1 or 2 SAM
USB / RS-232 RS232 up to 460,800bps, OTG Type C
MSR ISO7811 Bi-directional Triple-Track
Printer 2inch Thermal Line Printing
Number of Dots : 384 Dots
Resolution : 8 Dots/mm
Printing Speed : Max 9mm/s
IC Card 1Smart Card with 2SAM SAM Sockets Interface EMV L1/L2 V4.3 Certification
Power Supply 5V 2A AC/DC Adapter
Buzzer Buzzer Sound
Physical L x W x H(mm) : 142.5 x 78.7 x 53.6
Weight(g) : 320
Security PCI PTS 5.X Approved, EMV L1, L2, DUKPT, Master/Session DES, 3DES, RSA, EMV, Contactless, ANSI X9.9, X9.19 MAC Algorithm.